Liz says she's inspired by geometry, growth patterns in nature, and repetitive structures and processes.

What first attracted you to begin working with paper as your medium?
I began working with Beautiful paper when I was at college. I find it to be exceptionally versatile as a material and if a mistake is made, it's not expensive to replace and, of course, paper is ecologically sound. Artist's books - the book as an art form in its own right - interested me, especially sculptural ones. The paper jewellery came directly from this interest. I consider some of the necklaces I make to be sculptural Artist's Books as they are complete books.

Have you always enjoyed working with your hands?
Yes, always. Beautiful Paper is fantastic as it's so direct, your only tool is your fingers. I also find the whole process of making to be very therapeutic and almost what I imagine meditating to be like.

Do you show/sell your work in galleries?

Do you frequently wear your own paper jewelry? How do people react to it?
Yes, I do wear my own jewellery, but normally only if I am going out. People are usually very complimentary about my work, although there have been a few people that really don't like the idea of me cutting up maps. I hasten to say all the books and maps I create with have been read/used... I never cut new ones!

Source:- allthingspaper
All this stuff is so cute. My cousin would be obsessed with this- better yet I'm obsessed with it!!!
just getting to to the origami jewelry, i made a few myself and my friends love it
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