This is an ugly dog that looks like something from another world. It looks like some sort of monster and may haunt your dreams for the rest of your life.
The Llama Fish

This thing is one ugly looking creature that looks as if it was a spawn of the devil it's self. Beware
A Fine Piece

This is one hot chick that definitely should be in a beauty pageant. Some one give this B**** a crown.
The Lump Fish

This is a fish that definitely does not belong in the sea or out of it. It belongs in the pits of hell. I think it's a spawn of Jubbah the Hut.
Ugly Democrat

I'm Speechless.
Some Sort of Dinosaur

I think this may be a walking piece of crap.
Person or E.T.?

Is this E.T. or a person? I'll let you decide.

Don't judge a book by the cover. It's a really nice thing.
The Rat

Can someone please return my glasses.
The hermaphrodite

Abe Lincoln had a baby?
A collection of ten weird, funny, or even scary looking creatures.
Here in this list you will find 10 weird, funny, or even scary looking creatures or things. They are in no certain order and will all scar you for life. Enjoy! (Not all of these images or content are real).
total crap!
the one with the eye dropping is photoshopped just look on the right eye
you suck
that whole lot made me sad not grossed or creeped out. Although i truly would like to know what the eff were some of those creatures though..
so sad ... so sad
You do realize, Most of those are Photoshoped yes?...Right you can't...your an Idiot.
nakedmolerat! <3
i have to think that the picture of the girl is photoshopped. God wouldn't be that cruel...
6 and 8 are actually artwork(sculptures)that someone did, he did all sorts of weird creatures and such like that.
The 'dinosuar' thing is actually a half dog half human and its a sculpature by some atrist and the weird thing thats got human skin and shoulder lenght hair a few pics down is another scuplture by that artist
do you really think Im that stupid?
All I can say is FAKE, FAKE, FAKE! !!
6 and 8 must die. And the dog is real. He was the winner of the ugliest dog in the world contest. He survived a fire or something. But I think he died last year
Also, its funny how alll these people commenting are anonymous isn't it?
I do think its pretty funny how every one is anonymous. humm??? HaHa. And also I think its pretty evil of you to call that girl ugly, how would you feel if you looked like that and someone posted you up on some ugliest creature page? Jees people.
omg i cant belive i foubd this website
thats really mean and extremely rude and u r not nice to call that girl ugly and say those animals are from the devil ... what was the point in all this? to make a joke or to just look mean and stupid ... You decide
and Ps I love that little dog !!! he won worlds ugliest dog competion and now hes a doggy celberity !! thats really mean and even though most of these r fak ( alright like all of them ) thats still mean >:(
Dude I love weird things...
I like that dog... some if those tings were messed up, but not from hell... gosh...
I can't post as anything else...
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