This series of drawings are all titled Erotic Drawing Illusion. I don't know who did this set but I find them unique. I know anyone could draw pictures like these but I have not come across any others in all of my searches.
Could be though that this artist might just be a little too into his work.
I was lured to this blog, and specifically this post, by an email from someone called Dixon Hand (now there's a name to conjour with, especially when talking about erotic illusions).
I don't normally follow links in emails but this time I did - interesting!
And what a great reward I got - not so much for the drawings but all the wonderful content in the rest of the blog. I've barely scratched the surface, so I'll be back.
So, thanks Dixon Hand - I know the name is not a palindrome but I'm sure you know what I mean!
I like. Thanks for posting. :)
Look up Escher. The technique has been around for a while.
but who is the artist
i agree with the 1st Anonymous comment. I was not lured here but the rewards of exploring this site is well worth the time spent with my dial up connection!!! check out Mighty opticial illustions. bad spelling, i know, but you get the idea. some very cool stuff here.
I love the art!
Milo Manera
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