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Beautiful World | Drawings Arts | Illusions | Amazing Facts | Sculpture Copyright © 2009 Not Magazine 4 Column is Designed by Ipietoon Sponsored by Dezigntuts
JERRY STITH IS THE MOST PROLIFIC BALLPOINT PEN ARTIST, PUBLISHER & VIDEO PRODUCER OR LEADER OF THE BALLPOINTPENART MOVEMENT! *** MR. STITH IS INTRODUCING 800 BALLPOINT PEN ARTISTS, 5,440 DRAWINGS, 153 VIDEOS AND DOCUMENTING OR ARCHIVING ART HISTORY. CREATING BALLPOINT PEN ART, RECORDING ARTIST'S A PLACE IN HISTORY, ADVANCING PEN & INK PLUS EDUCATING MILLIONS GLOBALLY IS WHAT JERRY STITH'S PROGRAM IS ALL ABOUT. Jerry started drawing with a ballpoint pen in 1968 and publishing via the WWW in 2000. His ballpoint- biro pen art program pertains to scribbles, doodles, inklings, sketches, renderings, drawings and illustrations produced by an oil based ink. A ballpoint produces half tones from a full tone ink, brilliant colors and mile long flowing line. This is the largest Pen & Ink or BallPoint Pen Art site on the WWW or in history. Historically, Jerry Stith
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