
Oct 30, 2008

Ten Most Difficult Words to Translate

Sometimes even the finest translators come up against words that defy translation.Many languages include words that don’t have a simple counterpart in another language.Here are ten words that are particularly difficult to translate.MamihlapinatapeiFrom Yagan, the indigenous language of the Tierra del...
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Oct 29, 2008

Restaurant Names That May Surprise You

Many restaurants have weird names. Here are a few I found.Anybody want some Chinese food? This place looks nice, looks like they are the kings of fu. Who knew a restaurant can be the king of fu. Please...
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Oct 28, 2008

A huge collection of money sculptures

World most Beautiful money sculptures Creatures of the Land, Creatures of the Water.The most amazing thing about them is that they're all made from real money.An exploration of our relationship with money...
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Beautiful Insects jewelry

All beautiful woman want to look better, with a beautiful jewelry they can get much moreshine and be noticed by man. And when they have this insect jewelrythey will, for sure, be attracti...
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Oct 27, 2008

Beautiful money sculptures Creatures of the Water

The most Beautiful thing about them is that they're all made from real money.All money sculptures of the Wa...
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Beautiful money sculptures Creatures of the Land

Looking for unique entertainment for your next event, something to truly entertain and astonish your guests? Have a dollar artist create Beautiful money sculptures for them,as they wa...
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