Adorable sweater wearing pug that looks a bit too depressed as it hangs around outside cafe.(Depressed vodafone Dog).This is definitely a thing that looks cute when it’s depressed.vodafone dog

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yeah, depressed like I am right now
but I guess you don't seem to care that I am depressed or not do you?
How can you think this is cute, this is plain animal abuse and neglect. I hope you are punished one day for posting such cruel and sad images.
Anonymous said...
How can you think this is cute, this is plain animal abuse and neglect. I hope you are punished one day for posting such cruel and sad images.
Easy there champ, its just a dog tied to a pole, it happens every where, cant bring your dog every where you go.
plus these dogs tend to look sad any way.
stop being foolish
The dog is obviously well-cared for. See the sweater?
soooo cuuuute
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