I have been driving for more than 10 years and sometimes what I encounter on the road will really stump the driver whether you are a seasoned driver or a newbie. As it is, you have to concentrate on the road and worse if you are in a strange neighbourhood. If you were driving on the road and looking for directions, what will you do when you encounter these signs? It's worse than getting no help

Turn right like the sign says or turn left like the arrow suggests? Quick make up your mind!

See this sign, make an immediate u-turn, even if it is illegal.

Need not say more here.

The last time I checked, when it rains, there usually is water around! Duh.

Got to have a good company with you when you drive on this road. It's going to be a l-o-n-g journey.

Okay, so which is correct? I don't want to be the driver lost in this neighbourhood.

I hope this is not a tourist attraction site!

Cars can travel on water already? Wow, I want one of those.
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