
Jun 28, 2008

10 Most Beautiful Stunning Bridges Around The World

Bridges have long been a thing of fascination in the human mind because of what they connote: connection. Even though much of our communication is carried out via email or telephone, we are still nonetheless...
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14 Simple Ways to Super Charge Your Brain

Have you ever felt exasperated when you bumped into someone at the store but absolutely couldn't remember their name? Sure, it happens to all of us.Despite being the strongest computer on the planet,...
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Jun 26, 2008

Scary Cats Optical Illusion

Calculate the number of cats you see in this illusion.Hint : The number is more than...
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Robo Chess

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Jun 25, 2008

Incredible Soap Bubble Foto To Achieve Like Planet

I don’t see anyone else out there catching the most simple images of the world and having them look so beautiful.Incredible Soap Bubble Photos by Jason TozerAn old coat hanger bent into a wire loop and...
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New Hair styles For Ladies

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What if a few things went invisible (Photoshop fun)

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Jun 24, 2008

50 Reasons Why Beer Is Better Than A Woman

At some point in time you’re going to wish you had a beer instead of a woman, and here’s the reasons why:1: Beer doesn’t mind if you share it2: You can enjoy a beer all day, every day3: It’s OK to have a beer anytime of the month4: A beer is always satisfying5: You can take as many beers as you want...
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Simple Tips to Motivate Yourself to Exercise

You know you need to work out, but you’re having trouble getting up the enthusiasm. How do you find motivation to exercise when you just don’t feel like getting off your butt? I ask myself this question every now and then, and I have the feeling I’m not the only one.There are a million ways to motivate...
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Jun 23, 2008

10 Interesting Facts About Dogs

There are more than 700 types of pure bred dogs in the world. They were first domesticated by cavemen in the Paleolithic Age. Here are some interesting facts about dogs. 1. Dogs can register sounds of 35,000 vibrations a second where as a human can only hear 20,000 vibrations. 2. A German shepherd...
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How to be lazy

Laziness is the key to success. Here are the rules of being lazy:# 1. Never do anything. If you wait around long enough, someone else will do it.# 2. Don't move. Moving is overrated.# 3. Never run. Running is the worst thing you can do. I had to run once.. big mistake.# 4. If something is not in your...
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Jun 20, 2008

The Best Card Trick In The World

World Class Magician David performs another stunning feat of card magic, and betrays magicians the world over by showing how the best card trick in the world is done.The card trickIf you're as magical as you'll have a crowd around you. If not, you'll need to find two people for this card trick. Tell...
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Jun 19, 2008

Thirsty Cat

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Jun 17, 2008

Cool optical illusions video

10 optical illusions in 2 minutes have fun...
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Jun 12, 2008

Tips for a Flat Stomach

Developing a lean, flat stomach takes time and patience, especially when it comes to those last few kilograms in those hard to lose places. There is only one way to lose fat in the so-called ’stubborn...
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Jun 10, 2008

Top 7 Tips for Becoming a Better Writer

If you want to learn how to write better where do you go?Well, you can take a creative writing course.Or read the books, biographies and studies of men and women hailed as literary geniuses throughout history.For today, I´ve chosen to take some advice from one the most popular fiction writers of the...
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Do you make these 10 mistakes in a conversation?

Can you improve your conversation skills? Certainly.It might take a while to change the conversation habits that’s been ingrained throughout your life, but it is very possible.To not make this article longer than necessary let’s just skip right to some common mistakes many of us have made in conversations....
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21 signs a geek girl likes you

21 Signs a 'Geek Girl' is like errr, totally into You1. She tells you your hard drive is much bigger than her ex-boyfriend's.2. She makes a point of telling you how the system upgrade you did for her totally revolutionized her life.3. She stops blogging in front of the TV and talks to you.4. She gets...
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Naughty question asked by a teacher

A first-grade teacher was having trouble with one of her students.Teacher: What is your problem?Bog: I'm too smart for the first-grade.My sister is in third-grade and I'm smarter then she is.I think I should in the third-grade too.The teacher took the boy to the Principal office.while the boy waiting...
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Jun 9, 2008

Most Famous eye illusion (optical illusions)

Lasik eye surgery can fix your eye, but these eye illusions will still trick on you.It is quite interesting that all numbers can be created by using only two numerals - 4 and 8.Is this really a spiral?There...
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