
Jun 29, 2011

Meerschaum :Vintage Pipe finely carved & nicely painted

 As the use of meerschaum pipes Finely Carved & nicely painted color, and very old are more shades of yellow, orange and red colors, Meerschaum or French name for the same substance...
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Jun 28, 2011

Mind Your Step: Creative 3D Illusion Art (Amazing street illusion)

Amazing street illusion created by Erik Johansson looks like a large hole in the middle of Sergels torg public square in Stockholm, Sweden. Creative illusion can be seen in person between June 7th and...
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Jun 26, 2011

Beautiful Napkin Ring Designs | Stylish Serviette Ring Set

The napkin ring, sometimes called serviette ring, was originally used to identify the napkins of a household between weekly wash days. The standard napkin ring is a simple ring made from skewers. But...
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Jun 24, 2011

Ultra Realistic People Trapped Street Art by dan witz

Controversial and memorable street art by Dan Witz features realistic arts of people trapped behind fake ventilation grates. The artist places these photo-based, heavily painted stickers on the wall sand...
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Jun 16, 2011

Coca-Cola Museum 125th anniversary celebration pics

The taste of Coca-Cola was born in Atlanta in 1886, and this month begins their 125th anniversary celebration. You can partake in many activities during the celebration including mini-golf as well as...
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