
Dec 17, 2007

Hidden Circles Illusion

How many circles can you spot? Hint: There’s 16 circles and 9 lesser complete circles. Focus on the X to see th...
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The Top 12 E-Mail Mistakes

Your e-mail is as much a part of your professional image as the clothes you wear,the postal letters you write (assuming you still do), the greeting on your voice mailand the handshake you offer. If you want to impress on every front and build positive business relationships,pay attention to your e-mail...
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Dec 14, 2007

Top 9 unique structures soon to be built

obviously, construction technologies are advancing extremely quickly. couple that with multi-billionaires / deep-pocketed companies trying to outdo each other in the quest for the next standout design...
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Dec 7, 2007

Magic Fish Spa

A newly emerged “fish spa” is becoming fashionable in many hot spring resorts, and has attracted even more customers, all curious about this peculiar treatment. In Japan, fish are being used in spa treatments....
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Dec 5, 2007

A special Christmas tree made of potatoes

Peruvian Potato Christmas Tree is shown at a local institute in Lima December 4, 2007. Students made the tree using 98kg (216 lbs) of potatoes. At first sight, you may thing this artificial tree is nothing...
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Nov 1, 2007

This guy has a trick to get undressed in two se...

Everyone has something that they are really good at. Sometimes you get lucky and that skill be also be quite useful.The following guy has a rather unique skill that might seem hard at first to find value in, but rest assured he has saved more time each night and scored on more than one occasion just...
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Oct 25, 2007

How To Build A House in A Day

This is a wood framing technology, originally from Japan. Essentially a small group of untrained people can erect an entire house frame in 1-3 days, depending on the size of the structure. Thanks to qureyoon for the submit. Seems not really stable, thou...
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The oldest elephant in the world.

An elephant at the Panna Tiger Reserve in India, is probably the oldest elephant in the world. an elephant 86-year-old elephant at Taipei's Mucha Zoo, which holds the world record.The elephant, Vatsala,...
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Oct 18, 2007

World's Oldest Surviving Rolls-Royce

Rolls-Royce For sale - Venerable old car, only three previous owners. Offers around 2 million pounds ($4m). But this is no ordinary -- albeit expensive -- car. It is the world's oldest surviving Rolls-Royce,...
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How to Calculate the Distance from Lightning

You know how it is - a thunderstorm is approaching, and suddenly you hear an absolutely deafening clap of thunder. Whoa, that sounded close! But how close is the lightning, really? It is difficult to...
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9 Bolts Caught at a Time

It was taken from somewhere up in the hills overlooking Paphos, a coastal city in the southwest of Cyprus, during the storms in winter 2...
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Oct 17, 2007

How to Charge any Battery Survival-Style

My camera shut down from low battery just when I needed to take some pictures.The light was perfect. I suddenly remembered where I'd left the charger - 3000 miles away.Everyone's had this experience,...
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A beautiful green natural panties

I am sure it’s environmental friendly too. Hope your ass will not feel itchy when you are wearing it. Haha…Anyway, it’s good to get one to try especially for its environmental friendly material. However...
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If a Woman with No Arms Can Do It…

If she can do it, we can do it. Let her story be your inspiration the next time you feel overwhelmed. She has no arms, but she still has a mind filled with passion and purpose. These qualities have allowed her to overcome her physical limitatio...
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Oct 10, 2007

23 Brilliant Doubts - Unanswered

1.If all the nations in the world are in debt(am not joking. even US has got debts), where did all the money go? (weird)2.When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it? (to be give a thought)3.What is the speed of darkness? (absurd)4.If the "black box" flight recorder is never damaged during...
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How to make a woman Happy

It's really not difficult...To make a woman happy; a man only needs to be :1. a friend2. a companion3. a lover4. a brother5. a father6. a master7. a chef8. an electrician9. a carpenter10. a plumber11. a mechanic12. a decorator13. a stylist17. a psychologist18. a pest exterminator19. a psychiatrist20....
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Oct 9, 2007

It's A Good Crack Or Is It Art?

Britain's Tate Modern gallery revealed the latest addition to its collection Monday -- a 500-foot (150 meter) crack running the length of the building's ground-floor hall. The work by Colombian artist...
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10 things I love about India

When I wrote about the 10 things I hate about India, I did not at all realise that myarticle would trigger such an avalanche of comments. In fact, as I mentioned, it was for me a psychological exercise to express some of the frustrations one faces in daily material life in India.First, let me be clear,...
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Most Expensive Flawless Blue Diamond

The 6.04 carat, internally flawless blue diamond fetched £650,000 per carat, having smashed a 20-year-old record held by the Hancock Red Diamond of Brazilian origin which fetched £450,000 per carat at...
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Oct 7, 2007

Most Romantic Hotels in the World

The below list is compiled by Romance Tracker, while one person’s romantic hotel may be another person’s nightmare vacation, so we can't guarantee what the most romantic hotels both Romance Tracker and...
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25 Signs You Have Grown Up

1. Your houseplants are alive, and you can’t smoke any of them. 2. Having sex in a twin bed is out of the question. 3. You keep more food than beer in the fridge. 4. 6:00 AM is when you get up, not when you go to bed. 5. You hear your favorite song in an elevator. 6. You watch the Weather...
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You can become an engineer if u study in Engineering college .. U cannot become a president if u study in Presidency College !You can expect a BUS from a BUS stop... You cannot expect a FULL from FULL stop.A mechanical engineer can become a mechanic but a software engineer cannot become a software!...
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Oct 5, 2007

The Thing that Your Right Foot Can't Do

For those of you with some spare time in office...try it. Bet you can't!1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles with it.2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand...your foot will change direction! Why is this so?...
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Oct 3, 2007

99 Excuses for Skipping out of Work

1. My kids are locked outside.2. My kids are locked inside.3. My kids are stuck in the door.4. I have to pick on my kids.5. I have to help my grandmother bake cookies.6. I have to help my Aunt Flo in...
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World's Largest Swimming Pool

The San Alfonso pool is 1km in length. The revolutionary clear water artificial lagoons, transparent to a depth of 35 meters and unprecedented in design and construction methods, are the brainchild of...
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Sep 30, 2007

A quick laugh for 5 mins

Teacher: History is a very interesting subject. It tells you about whathad happened in the past.Student: Please teacher, I don't think I want to study history.Teacher: Why?Student: There is no future in it....................................................................Teacher: Ted, if your father...
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Sep 24, 2007

Most 20 Weird English Words

1. ErinaceousLike a hedgehog2. LamprophonyLoudness and clarity of voice3. DeponeTo testify under oath4. FinnimbrunA trinket or knick-knack5. floccinaucinihilipilificationEstimation that something is valueless....
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Sep 23, 2007

The Calculator Japanese Woman

A Computer Champion Woman Watch this Japanese woman, who could be a champion on utilizing calculators. No wonder they can play Tetris as we...
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The world's largest sub-aqua dinner party

How to eat underwater.Scubadive Tamworth enjoy a meal out.Scuba divers eating underwater.To eat, diners, wearing dinner jackets and ball gowns, had to remove their aqua lung mouth pieces, fork in the food and then replace the breathing equipment while pressing a button to purge away the wat...
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25 Interesting Things That You Learn About Computers only in The Movies

1. Word processors never display a cursor.2. You never have to use the spacebar when typing long sentences.3. All monitors display 2 inch high letters.4. High-tech computers, such as those used by NASA, the CIA, or some such governmental institution, have easy-to-understand graphical interfaces.5. Those...
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Sep 22, 2007

This Bottlled water contest has gone a little too far

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Its's Time To See Werewolf Legs Stilts in action

Digitigrade Werewolf Legs / Sti...
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Sep 21, 2007

Hollywood Hilary Duff Wake Up

Hilary Duff gets ready for a night out with her friends at dance clubs in Tokyo, London, Los Angeles, Paris, New York, Hollywood and Vi...
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Magic Auto-transforming Dresses Hussein Chalayan

Hussein Chalayan Spring Summer 2007 Collection continues to view the world as a research laboratory but with an added hint of the supernatural. The dresses, fluid and light If you are teen, or still working at the office, I suggest you skip the last 20 seconds, And I think if someone dare to wear it?...
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Sep 20, 2007

How to change the button colors for the Guitar Hero Controller.

Intro How to change the button colors for the Guitar Hero Controller.Hi, at first I wanted to change the colors (green, red, yellow, blue, and orange) around to confuse my friends, but then I decided...
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Fastest Calculating Japanese Lady

This chick calculates faster than.... whatever calculates quick...
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How To Tell If Your Ass Is Too Small

Sometimes you just need a bigger a...
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Jeans To Make You Slutty (Hot)

These jeans aren’t held up with buttons or belts, but with two little strings and maybe some double-sided tape. The “bikini” portion stops just short of your woman (or man, if you’re extra-daring) parts,...
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All about numbers....Really very very interesting

The numbers we all use (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) are known as "Arabic " numbers todistinguish them from the "Roman Numerals" (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, etc). Actuallythe arabs popularized these numbers but they...
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Sep 19, 2007

Horrible Fact about KFC

KFC has been a part of our American traditions for many years. Many people, day in and day out, eat at KFC religiously. Do they really know what they are eating? During a recent study of KFC done at the...
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Dirty Mind NSFW?

This could possible be not safe at your work. He starts out drawing what appears to be something dirty, then turns it into something f...
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Unbelievable 5 Year-Old Breakdancing Kid

Break dancing has been a popular underground and urban style of dance in the US and around the world for almost 40 years.In recent years the dance has become so popular that even seniors and young children are performing the complicated dance steps and taking part in the breakdancing culture.Check out...
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Sep 14, 2007

1/2 Sec before tsunami Amazing

This pictures were taken on the banks of Sumatra Island (the height of waves was of approx. 32 m = 105 ft). It was found saved in a digital camera, 1 1/2 years after the disaster.We cannot know for sure,...
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