
Jun 30, 2007

World’s Smallest School

An elementary school in China has just one teacher and one pupil.Li Yongchun, 61, has been teaching at the school in Dasu village, Longjing region for over 25 years.He explained: “At first, the school...
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Largest crocodile in the world

This is the largest crocodile ever displayed in the U.S. This is when he was alive and on display at the St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological pa...
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Jun 29, 2007

The Jewel of Dubai - The Rotating Tower

Morphing into mesmerizing shapes under the sublime light of the moon, wooing romantic couples with a whir of the wind turbines, making the tenants slightly dizzy by the graceful rotation of their bedroom’s...
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10 Reasons To Plant Trees

1. Trees save energy and money. Just three trees strategically planted around your home can cut your air conditioning bill in half.2. Trees save tax payers. Trees in a city slow storm water runoff and reduce the need for storm sewers. Tree shade also help cool municipal buildings, lowering electricity...
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World’s Oldest Car Headed For Auction

The world’s oldest running car is set to cross the auction block at Pebble Beach in August.The catchy-sounding De Dion-Bouton et Trapardoux was built in France in 1884, and amazingly, it’s a three owner...
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Indian miniature artist Jaspal show off Taj Mahal

Indian miniature artist Jaspal Singh Kalsi displays his creation of 1.5 cm high (0.59 inch) wooden replica of the Taj Mahal, in Amritsar, India, Monday, June 25, 2007. The Taj Mahal is among the leading...
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Jun 22, 2007

World's Largest Digging Machine

This is the largest digging machine (or trencher or rotating shovel) in the world. It was built by Krupp and is shown here crossing a road in Germany on the way to its destination, an open air coal mine....
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Jun 21, 2007

Underwater Sculpture Park

The aim of the Sculpture Park is to create a unique space which highlights environmental processes and celebrates local culture. By creating an artificial reef of sculptures which depict Grenadian peoples...
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Jun 20, 2007

5 sets of twins in one class of 20

At an early age children are taught that two plus two makes four.But pupils at one primary school have quickly learned to expand that basic calculation. And now they know that five pairs of twins makes...
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Flowers grow from steel

A Chinese man has reportedly found flowers growing from a steel pipe in his vegetable garden.Grandpa Ding told Sohu News: "I was cleaning the pipes, then my hand touched something fluffy." Ding says he...
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Jun 18, 2007

Thousands of rare pearls found in shipwreck

Salvagers have discovered thousands of pearls in a small, lead box they found while searching for the wreckage of the 17th-century Spanish galleon Santa Margarita.Divers from Blue Water Ventures of Key...
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Strongman Stone

Jaja Stone reacting as the durian and bricks on his head are hammered during a "strongman" competition in Jarkata.The most amazing thing was...... he succeeded in pulling a 8.9- tonne bus 50m (55 yards)...
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Jun 15, 2007

Two headed conjoined twins Abigail Loraine Hensel and Britanny Lee Hensel

Two headed conjoined twins Abigail Loraine Hensel and Britanny Lee Hensel had a short documentary about their lives on The Learning Channel. It is not easy to be born sharing a single body with your other...
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Jun 12, 2007

How much gold is there in the world?

Gold is considered one of the most precious metals in the world; and it has been used as a symbol for purity, value and royalty.But do you know much gold is there in the world? And who owns most gold?...
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Jun 11, 2007

Dynamic Skyscraper

A skyscraper built of rotating platters with built-in wind turbi...
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Jun 10, 2007

Rotating Tower

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An artificial reef of sculptures

An underwater sculpture park in Grenada West Indies, created by Artist Jason Taylor.Aiming to depictCaribbean folklore it aim to re-generate a coral r...
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Digging Machine

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