
Nov 24, 2006

Willard Wigen - Microscopic Art

Willard Wigen - Microscopic ArtWillard is a resident ofBirmingham, England.The show is in Manchester.He has a learning disability (Dyslexia),but has talented hands.He makes the sculptures out ofdust particles,...
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Nov 1, 2006

Big Screen Television on your nose

The ultimate portable big screen television. A personal entertainment center. It features an amazing 230,000 pixel resolution along with surround sound. Only weighing 3 ounces it fits very comfortably...
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Rube Goldberg Officeplace Contraption

A friend and I decided to spend a night A friend and I decided to spend a night at my workplace assembling a contraption using supplies from the supply room and my basement. We started at 11p.m. on 6/26/05, and finished around 5:30a.m. This is take eight. Six of the eight work...
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